Why Should I bother?

Ya, I know how the story goes – “Sure anything I do isn’t going to make a blind bit of difference, when … (INSERT RANDOM OTHER PERSON / ORGANISATION HERE)… is doing …. (SOME BAD THING). And at the outset, they are very possibly...

Starting Our Solar PV Panel Journey

2 days after the Summer Solstice, on the 23 June 2022, we completed our Solar PV Panel installation. The timing was perfect to track our generated energy, practically from the longest day of the year onwards. Following recommendations based on available roof space and...

Chicken Predators

So, we have chickens right, for about 4 years now. Just for personal use, between a few households here. The number was pretty consistent, except for when we’d pick up a few more, or one would succumb to sickness or similar, but we kept building until had about...

Doing the Right Thing is Hard

Why is it so bloody hard to do the right thing? Obviously it’s going to be hard, but it’s not the physical difficulty, or occasional additional expense in doing the right thing that is so off putting. For me the biggest barrier, is doing something you...

Turning Compost

I eventually built up the courage and decided to turn my heap of compost that I made and covered in early August. I had this job built up so much in my head, that every other task in the world was getting done first. After all of it (with a little help from my other...